Building a Strong Business Community Since 1968
Join us at the 10th anniversary of the Cross of Glory After-Hours Event!
Where: Cross of Glory Lutheran Church Auditorium
95 Cambridge Drive, Aberdeen NJ 07747
When: Tuesday, March 18th
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Cost: No fee for members of MACOC or COG
$10 for nonmembers
Space is limited
Please register out of courtesy to COG
Includes: Refreshments provided by Cross of Glory, networking with business owners & community, and a special performance by the Michael Jackson Dance Program for Special Needs from MJXpressions, LLC
We kindly request that you bring nonperishable items to be donated to the Matawan Food Pantry. Thank you in advance for helping others to enjoy a nice Easter or Passover. Monetary donations to the food pantry will also be accepted.
Matawan-Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce
Contact us: 290-1125
MACOC is a 501(c)6 Not for Profit Corporation201 Broad Street, Matawan, NJ 07747
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